Youth Technology

Youth Services is equipped with different types of technology to serve the entire family.

We have four computers with internet access. Written permission from a parent or legal guardian is required for all internet users ages seventeen and under. A parent or responsible adult must accompany all internet users ages eight and under.


We have four computers with internet access. Written permission from a parent or legal guardian is required for all internet users ages seventeen and under. A parent or responsible adult must accompany all internet users ages eight and under.
Three iPads furnished with apps designed for young patrons.


Three iPads furnished with apps designed for young patrons.
We have two AWE Stations equipped with educational games.

Awe Stations

We have two AWE Stations equipped with educational games.
Available in the Tween section for patrons ages 9-12. To use the console, tweens need to leave a library card or school ID at the Youth Reference Desk while they are playing the Switch.

Nintendo Switch

Available in the Tween section for patrons ages 9-12. To use the console, tweens need to leave a library card or school ID at the Youth Reference Desk while they are playing the Switch.