Sensory Kits
Sensory kits are designed to assist children with sensory processing disorders. Each kit aids a different facet of sensory processing and includes a booklet that explains the function of each item in the kit. Funding for the sensory kits was provided by the Crete Woman’s Club.
To check for the availability and/or place a hold on a Sensory Kit, you can visit our catalog page or visit the link found under each image.
Relaxation I
- HearTek Noise Cancelling Kids Earmuffs
- Weighted Lap Pad
- Tactile Tiger Hand Fidget
- Little Monkey Calms Down by Michael Dahl
- Charlotte and the Quiet Place by Deborah Sosin
- Instructional Booklet
Relaxation II
- Massage Ball
- Stress Ball
- 2 Liquid Motion Timers
- Mini Rainmaker
- Meditate with Me by Mariam Gates
- I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness by Susan Verde
- Instructional Booklet
Movement I
- Blue Sensory Sock
- Body Poetry Yoga Cards
- You Are a Lion! And Other Fun Yoga Poses by Taeeun Yoo
- Can You Make a Scary Face? by Jan Thomas
- Instructional Booklet
Movement II
- Balance Board
- TickiT Silishapes Sensory Circles
- ABC Yoga by Christiane Engel
- From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
- Instructional Booklet
- Weighted Lap Dog
- Bitty Bottom Seat Cushion
- Neon Stretch Strings
- Dry Erase Board
- Visual Timer
- It’s Hard To Be a Verb by Julia Cook
- Instructional Booklet
- Teaching Tac-Tiles
- Koosh Balls
- Sensory Balls
- Sensory Rollers
- Loopeez Fidgets
- Jungle: A Slide and Play Book by Surya Sajnani
- Follow Me Around the World by Roger Priddy
- Instructional Booklet
Emotions & Feelings
- Mood Spots
- Todd Parr Feelings Flashcards
- Handheld Mirror
- The Way I Feel by Janan Cain
- The Color Monster by Anna Llenas
- Instructional Booklet