Curbside Delivery Service

General Information

Once parked, please call the Library at 708-672-8017 for assistance.

Curbside Delivery Service is available:
Monday–Thursday, 9:30 am – 8 pm
Friday & Saturday, 9:30 am – 5 pm

Picking Up Items on Hold

Once you arrive and call the Library, a staff member will ask for your library card number so the item(s) can be checked out to your account and a due date slip printed. A library staff member will bring your item(s) out. To verify your transaction, have your library card ready to show before accepting your materials.

Printed or Copied Documents

Call the Information Desk at 708-672-8017 to arrange to have materials printed/scanned/photocopied for you while you wait outside the Library. A library staff member will handle the documents and bring items out to you in an envelope. Having exact change as payment is appreciated.

Photocopies and printing cost 10¢per page for black/white and 25¢per page for color.

To have an email printed, forward the email to Please let us know if multiple copies or color copies are needed.

To have a scan sent to email, please provide your name and email address as well as the recipient’s email address, a subject line, and a short message. Scanning to email is provided free of charge.

Please be aware that the Library does not guarantee that emailed items are received by the designated recipient. It is your responsibility to verify this. Please follow up with the Library if an item needs to be resent.